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in touch page one

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cover issue and condition details price
very good condition
June 1983
In Touch magazine, 98 pages of articles, reviews and hot young guys including Lance Whitman, Bob Webb, Griff Baines, Louis Ross and more.
Item # in04


very good condition-one bumped corner
January 1978
In Touch magazine, 100 pages of articles, reviews, fiction and hot naked guys including Marc Wolfe, Bob Greene, James Williams and more. Articles: Hollywood Beefcake, film: A Gay Odyssey, Gay New Orleans, Mansex and more.
Item #in05


very good condition
November 1982
In Touch magazine, about 100 pages of articles, reviews, interviews, fiction and hot young guys with boners including Willie Martin, Scotty Novak, Brett Cadden, Lee Brubaker and more.
Item #in06


very good condition
August 1993
In Touch magazine, about 80 pages of articles, reviews, interviews, fiction and hot young guys with boners including Scott Wilder, Naol Williams, Rock Hardon, Paul James. Gil Juniper and more.
Item #in07


very good condition
August 1992
In Touch magazine, about 90 pages of articles, reviews, interviews, fiction and hot youg guys with boners including David Moore, Dolph Geldt, Andre Jednak, Ken Summer, Billy York and more.
Item #in08


very good condition
April 1984
In Touch magazine, 80 pages of articles, reviews and cute young guys including Aron, Scott, Delbert, Jade and more.
Item #in09


like new condition
January 1994
In Touch magazine, 80 pages of articles, reviews, interviews, fiction and hot young guys with boners including Erik Houston, Andrew Valentino, Scott Davis, Mark Ford and more.
Item #in11


very good condition
May 1980
In Touch magazine, 90 pages of reviews, articles and several very hot young guys including Damian D'Mario, Scott Anderson, Alan Davis and more.
Item #in12
