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cover issue and condition details price
good condition-some cover & edge wear
January 1989
Numbers magazine, a 96 page magazine of articles, reviews, fiction and seveal hot young guys with boners including David Grant, Jamie Hendrix, John, Michael White, Evan, Kevin Hines and more.
Item #nu02


like new condition
October 1996
Numbers magazine, about 100 pages of articles, reviews, fiction and several hot guys with boners including Ray Souza, Rob Stone, Matt Easton, Joseph Polgar, Andreas Zessler and more.
Item #nu03


very good condition
July 1982
Numbers magazine, about 80 pages of articles, reviews, interviews, fiction and hot guys including Eric, hot shots from Al Parker's Surge Studio, Blanc(cover boy) photographed by Roy Dean, a trio of sailors from Champion Studios and a nude workout with a hottie in tube sox.
Item #nu05


very good condition
September 1990
Numbers magazine, 100 pages of male nudes, articles, reviews and hot young guys with boners including Rickt Ozmond, Craig Killimore, Heath, Randy Robert, Martin and more.
Item #nu06


very good condition
September 1993
Numbers magazine, 100 pages of cute young guys, articles, reviews and more. Models include Eric Lange, Randy Osmond, Jeff Reed, Troy Nielson and more.
Item #nu07


good condition-lite cover wear & very short split at bottom of spine
August 2001
Numbers magazine, 100 pages of articles, reviews, fiction and hot horny guys with boners including Brett Daniels, Dylan Reese, Justin Dragon, Brett Wilde, Robert Ruggiero, Colby Taylor and more.
Item #nu08


almost like new condition
February 1994
Numbers magazine, 100 pages of articles, reviews, interviews, fiction and hot guys with boners including Al Michaels, Alexander Cort, Marco Rossi, Ken Foxx(12 incher) and more.
Item #nu09


very good condition
April 1983
Numbers magazine, 100 pages of hot guys, reviews, articles and six hot masculine men without names.
Item #nu10


like new condition
November 1978
Numbers magazine, 100 pages of hot guys, reviews, articles and more. 10 erotic men from front to back. No model names listed.
Item #nu11


very good condition
Numbers, 100 pages of articles, reviews, interviews, fiction and five hot young guys with boners but without names.
Item #nu12
