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cover issue and condition details price
like new condition
 Issue #22
October 1996

FQ magazine, 60 pages of hot uncut men exposing themselves and some hot nasty fiction and more. Several uncut guys without names.
Item #unc01


very good condition
November 1991
Uncut magazine, 80 pages of articles, reviews, interviews, fiction and hot young guys with big fat boners including Jose Barbosa, Augusto, Kovack, Cleveland, Allejandro, Stanislav, Robert Flores, Jose Morales, Paco and more
Item #unc02


very good condition
January 1992

Uncut magazine, about 80 pages of articles, reviews, interviews, fiction and hot uncut men with big fat boners including Rex Kahlo, Cameron Kello, Hector, Eli Rock, Mark Vale, Alex Moun, Rico Suave, Tabor and more.
Item #unc03


very good condition
Spring 1997
FQ magazine, 98 pages of hot uncut men exposing themselves. Models include Dingo, Luis and more. Homo-erotic art, too!
Item #unc04


very good condition
Issue #28
Spring 1998
FQ magazine, 60 pages of hot uncut men exposing themselves and some hot fiction. Models include Marcos, Gyula Kovacs, Jackson Reid and more. Homo-erotic artwork by Kent.
Item #unc05


very good condition
July 1993

Uncut magazine, 98 pages of articles, reviews, interviews, fiction and hot uncut men with boners including Bam-Bam, Mike Carmo, Rush Adams, Rick Avanti, Terry Long, Joe Albano, Jesse and more.
Item #unc06


verygood condition
May 1992
Uncut magazine, about 80 pages of articles, reviews, interviews, fiction and hot uncut men with big fat boners including Tony Angelo, Narcizo, Lobo, Dan Hooper, Indio, Marcelo, Julio Nieves and more.
Item #unc07


very good condition
March 1991
Uncut magazine, about 80 pages of articles, reviews, interviews, fiction and hot uncut men with big fat boners including Scott Cruise, Pierre La Salle, Zack Walker, Roberto, T-Jay and more.
Item #unc08


very good condition
September 1989

Uncut magazine, about 80 pages of articles, reviews, interviews, fiction and hot uncut men with big fat boners including Che, Robert, Marcos, Victor Ram, AJ and more.
Item #unc09


very good condition
August 1999
FQ magazine, 65 pages of hot uncut men exposing themselves and some hot nasty fiction. Models include Jak, RJ, Sam, Tony, Bernie and more. Issue includes a Brush Creek 2000 catalog.
Item #unc10


very good condition
May 1988
Uncut magazine, about 80 pages of articles, reviews, interviews, fiction and hot guys with big uncut boners including Jeff McBride, Dennis, Danny E, Tony Davis, Jon Eden and several more.
Item #unc11


very good condition
Winter 1998
Uncut magazine, 84 pages of hot uncut men exposing themselves and some hot nasty fiction. Models include Roberto Cwevantes, Jorge Reyes, Marcio da Costa and more.
Item #unc12


very good condition
September 1991
Uncut magazine, about 80 pages of articles, reviews, interviews, fiction and hot men with big fat boners including Li'l Conan, Ruben, Darin Powers, Mike Mack, Ulysses, Peter Cruller, Mario, Terry Long and more.
Item #unc13


very good condition
January 1998
FQ magazine, about 80 pages of articles, reviews, interviews, fiction and hot uncut guys with boners including Marc Brody, Alexandre, Jack Radcliffe and more.
Item #unc14


very good condition
November 1990

Uncut magazine, about 80 pages of articles, reviews, interviews, fiction and hot uncut men w/ boners including Max, Ricardo, Frank Strong, Chris Stone and more.
Item #unc15


very good condition
Spring 1993
Foreskin Quarterly magazine, about 60 pages of articles, reviews, interviews, fiction and hot uncut men w/ boners including Bud Berkeley, Joe Tiffenbach, Don Lockwood and more.
Item #unc16


very good condition
Summer 1996
Foreskin Quarterly magazine, about 70 pages of articles, reviews, interviews, fiction and hot uncut guys w/ boners including Lucas and many more but without names.
Item #unc17


very good condition
Summer 1998
Foreskin Quarterly magazine, 84 pages of articles, reviews, interviews, fiction and hot young guys with big boners including TJ Donovan, Kobus, Petros Moustaki, Chris Berrera and more.
Item #unc18


very good condition
Winter 1999
Foreskin Quarterly magazine, 84 pages of articles, reviews and several hot uncut guys hanging out including oscar Marsh, Cliff, Mark Andrews, Kiko, Carl Erik and more.
Item #unc19


very good condition
Winter 1996

Foreskin Quarterly magazine, about 60 pages of articles, reviews, interviews, fiction and hot uncut guys with boners including Rodolfo, Ferdinando and more.
Item #unc20


very good condition
March 1996
Foreskin Quarterly magazine, about 60 pages of articles, reviews, interviews, fiction and hot uncut men exposing themselves. No model names listed.
Item #unc21


very good condition
December 2000
Foreskin Quarterly magazine, about 60 pages of articles, reviews, interviews, fiction and hot uncut guys including Marcel, Alexander, Luis, Marcio and more.
Item #unc22


very good condition
issue #35
July 2000
Foreskin Quarterly magazine, about 70 pages of articles, reviews, interviews, fiction and hot uncut guys with boners including Tito, Mocha, Hector, Tony Acosta and more.
Item #unc23


very good condition
November 1987
Uncut magazine, about 80 pages of skins & hoods on hot tough guys including Javarre, Anthony Gallo, Eduardo and more.
Item #unc24


very good condition
July 1988

Uncut magazine, 80 pages of articles, reviews, interviews, ficition and hot uncut men with boners including Jerome Davis, Marco Antonio, Denny Gardner, Victor, Commando Dan, Danny and more.
Item #unc25


very good condition
January 1987
Uncut magazine, about 90 pages of articles, reviews, interviews, fiction and hot uncut men including Alex Strauss, Tommy, Lee Sport, Chris, Melchor, Terry Long, Sergio Canali and more.
Item #unc26


very good condition
November 1995
Foreskin Quarterly magazine, about 60 pages of articles, reviews, interviews, fiction and hot uncut men including the uncut men from Kristen Bjorn and others.
Item #unc27


very good condition
March 1989
Uncut magazine, about 90 pages of articles, reviews, interviews, fiction and hot uncut men with boners including Jesus Armando, William, Julio Perez, Robert Flores, Gene, Paolo, Russ and many more.
Item #unc28


very good condition
March 1992
Uncut magazine, about 80 pages of articles, reviews, interviews, fiction and hot uncut men with boners including Roberto, Val Godine, Scott Barrera, Chris Stone and more.
Item #unc29


very good condition
March 1988
Uncut magazine, 84 pages of articles, reviews, interviews, fiction and hot uncut men with boners including Raoul Gomez, Victor, Cowboy, Joshua, Harve, Mario Ferreri, Spike and more.
Item #unc30
