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cover issue and condition details price
good condition-some cover wear
November 2007
Inches magazine, about 100 pages of articles, reviews, intervews, fiction and hot young guys with boners including Tommy Lima, Manuel Lozano, Evan Rochelle, Philip Ashton and more.
Item #inc01


good condition-some cover wear
August 2007
Inches magazine, 98 pages of articles, reviews, fiction and hot young guys with boners including Francois Sagat, Angel, Lopo De Roiz Tony Taylor and more.
Item #inc03


very good condition
October 1987

Inches magazine, 98 pages of articles, reviews, interviews, fiction and hot young guys with big boners including Buck Keaton, Thomas, Staff Sgt. Brian Jones, Daniel Davis, John Remington and many more.
Item #inc05


very good condition
February 1991
Inches magazine, about 90 pages of articles, reviews, interviews, fiction and hot young guys with boners including Randy Spears, Scott O'Hara, Derek Quinn, Lou Cass, Zell Woods and more.
Item #inc06


very good condition
March 1987
Inches magazine, about 100 pages of reviews, articles, fiction and several hot hung guys including Teddy Bear, Andrew Alders, Tyrone Washington, Joe Tolbe, Owen, Chris Todd and more.
Item #inc07


very good condition
May 1987
Inches magazine, about 100 pages of articles, reviews, interviews, fiction and hot guys with boners including Russ Wade, Bing Mathis, David Watson, Tony Rogers, Danny Caruso, Brian Coe and more.
Item #inc08


very good condition
December 1989
Inches magazine, 98 pages of articles, reviews, interviews, fiction and hot hung guys with boners including Rex Chandler, Jess Weems, JJ, Max Brand, Gareth and more.
Item #inc09


very good condition
October 1997
Inches magazine, about 100 pages of usually around a half dozen hot guys with extra long cocks. In this issue the models are Butch, Tito, Carl Eric, Francisco and more.
Item #inc10


like new condition
April 1994
Inches magazine, 96 pages of articles, reviews, fiction and hot guys with boners including Kris Lord, Chris Anthony, Randy Roberts, Jesse, Spike, Max and more.
Item #inc11


like new condition
February 1987

Inches magazine, about 100 pages of articles, reviews, fiction and hot guys with boners including Jon King, Randy Cochran, Chaz, Bart, Big Bad Bruce, Little Joe, Angelo and more.
Item #inc12
