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in touch page three

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cover issue and condition details price
very good condition
February 1997
In Touch magazine, 100 pages of articles, fiction, reviews and hot guys with boners including Kevin Slater, Shane Rockland, Jeff Strasse, Tyler Cane, Bobby Golden and more.
Item #in44


good condition-some edge wear
October 1988
In Touch magazine, 100 pages of cute young guys including Danny Wade, Tom Ross, Perky Grant and Lamar Perkins.
Item #in45


very good condition
March 1997
In Touch magazine, 100 pages of several cute young guys including Chris Masters, Steve O'Donnel, Peter McCarthy, Jake Lannon, Tom Bellingham and many more.
Item #in46


very good condition
November 1984
In Touch magazine, 100 pages of articles, fiction, reviews and hot young guys including Greg Vanzell-super cute blond boy, Garard-cover boy, Joe Nemo-athlete-bodybuilder-sexy as hell-our favorite and several pages of hot guys from the 60s Athletic Model Guild-always hot and sexy and more.
Item #in47


new-unused condition
July 1998
In Touch magazine, 100 pages of articles, fiction, reviews and hot young guys with boners including Freddy, Rod Martinez, Jake, Jay Tyler, Jack Waters, Cal Ross and more.
Item #in48


very good condition
August 1998
In Touch, 100 pages of articles, reviews, interviews, fiction and hot young guys with boners including Chris Michaels, Jon Dillon, Steven Brook, Matthew Anders, Billy Woods and more.
Item #in49


very good condition
September 1998
In Touch magazine, 100 pages of articles, reviews, interviews, fiction and hot young guys with boners including Nick Roberts, Justin Heber, Cody Matthews, Mary Fury, Anthony Pearle and more.
Item #in50


very good condition
July 1979
In Touch magazine, 100 pages of several hot guys including Shaun Benson, Don Martell, Lloyd Lebow and more.
Item #in51


very good condition
January 1995
In Touch magazine, 100 pages of articles, fiction, reviews and several hot young guys with boners including Brett Cole, Claudio Juarz, Todd Mitchell, Gregg Spence and more.
Item #in52


almost like new condition
February 1982
In Touch magazine, 100 pages of several hot guys including Bruce Smith, Jeff Cameron and more with no names.
Item #in53


very good condition
August 1988
In Touch magazine, 100 pages of several hot guys including Cameron Kelly, Robert Proo, Shawn Adams, Nick Cougar and Jack Lofton.
Item #in54


very good condition
March 1995
In Touch magazine, 100 pages of articles, reviews, interviews, fiction and hot young guys with boners including sebastian, Byron Long, Roc Johnson, Jeff Austin, Greg Hanes and more.
Item #in55


very good condition-crease on back cover
February 1995
In Touch magazine, 100 pages of articles, reviews, interviews, fiction and hot young guys with boners including Christopher Cox, Chad Conners, Johnny Ryan, Allen Shark and more.
Item #in56


almost like new condition
January 1991
In Touch magazine, 100 pages of several hot guys including Scott Heinz, Ted Brandon, Kelly Morgan, Roger Tyrrell and Doug Jensen.
Item #in57


new-unused condition
December 2000
In Touch magazine, 100 pages of articles, reviews, fiction and hot young guys with boners including Clint Fox, Tommy Shay, Trigger, Billy Kincaid, Daniel, Jason Nichols and more.
Item #in58


very good condition-two corner creases on front cover
April 1993

In Touch magazine, 100 pages of articles, reviews, fiction and hot young guys with boners including Dillon Mathews, Dean Glass, Eric Damion, Scott Taurus, Boot McKay and more.
Item #in59


very good condition
January 1986

In Touch magazine, 100 pages of several hot naked guys, articles andhot young guys including Eddie Ramone, Lee Peter, Noah Walker, Alex Rourke, Shane Flannigan, Corky Adams and more.
Item #in60


very good condition
December 1997
In Touch magazine, about 100 pages of articles, reviews, interviews, fiction and hot guys with boners including Brad Hunter, Bruce Ling, Jason Daniels, Chris Bowles and more.
Item #in61


very good condition
September 2003
In Touch magazine, 100 pages of articles, reviews and hot young guys with boners including Brandon Paradine, Fabian, Max, Rick Davis, Julian Lee and more.
Item #in62


very good condition
June 1995
In Touch magazine, 100 pages of articles, reviews, interviews, fiction and hot young guys with boners including fabio Milano, Tony Idol, Jack Armstrong, Rick Anthony, Steve Maas and more.
Item #in63


almost like new condition
July 1994
In Touch magazine, 100 pages of articles, reviews, interviews, fiction and hot young guys with boners including Chris Pfeiffer, George Guzman, Chip Daniels, Ross Atkins, Allan Worth and more.
Item #in64


almost like new condition
March/April 1979
In Touch magazine, 100 pages of articles, fiction, reviews and hot young men with boners.
Item #in65


good condition-some edge wear
September 1983
In Touch magazine, 100 pages of several hot guys including centerfolds Steve Wilson, Felix Vega, Dustin Benson, David Ripley and more.
Item #in66


very good condition
March 1996
In Touch magazine, 100 pages of articles, reviews, interviews, fiction and hot guys with boners including Timmy Mills, Brian Styles, Todd Stevens, Sean Tao, Tony Lexus.
Item #in67


very good condition
April 1992
In Touch magazine, about 100 pages of articles, reviews, interviews, fiction and hot young guys with boners including Chris Soleil, Jeff Hiller, Dallas Malone, Tony Zera and more.
Item #in68


almost like new condition
July 1984
In Touch magazine, 100 pages of several hot guys including centerfolds Cory, Anthony Scott and Danny Parks.
Item #in69


very good condition
July 1995
In Touch magazine's special blond issue, 100 pages of articles, reviews, interviews, fiction and hot young guys including Ricky Torres, Marcus Glenn, Jordan Young, Trevor Marks, Billy James and more.
Item #in70


good condition-some edge wear
March 1999
In Touch magazine, 100 pages of several hot guys including centerfolds of Bryan Montero, Peter del Rey, Bo Langston, Joe Blocker, Chet Roberts and Jack Taylor.
Item #in71


very good condition
January 2004
In Touch magazine, 100 pages of articles, reviews, interviews, fiction and hot young guys with boners including Braeden, Alexander(cover hottie), Zak, Leo, Kyle, Chris and more.
Item #in72
